Hello again soldiers!

Welcome to the release notes for Update 1.17 Operation: Resurgence! The leaves are bare, the smell of snow is in the air, and if you’re anything like us you’ve already eaten enough snacks to incapacitate a small herd of reindeer. What better way to celebrate this holiday season than another major update from the military FPS that just won’t quit! (You may have said, “presents that I asked for.” or even “spending time with my loved ones.” but we’ve crunched the numbers and it turns out this update is the best way.)


Buckle up folks, it’s happening, CROSSPLAY IS HERE! It’s been a long time coming and we are incredibly happy to be rolling this feature out to you! So, without further ado let’s get to the explaining part because we’re sure you have a lot of questions!

What is crossplay?

Well you see, when two people love each other very much, sometimes they……what’s that? Oh not the…..uh-huh…..ok right. Got it. AS WE WERE SAYING, crossplay is a new feature that will allow PSN, Xbox Live, and PC players to play together!

How does it work?

Starting with Update 1.17 Operation: Resurgence you will see a “Matchmaking settings” option in place of the “Region settings” option. By selecting it, you will have the following options to choose from:

  1. Your preferred input device from your connected devices (Mouse & Keyboard or Gamepad).
  2. An option to either enable or disable crossplay.
  3. An option to match with players using different input devices.
  4. Your selected regions.

Once you’ve filled in your matchmaking settings, you will be matched according to your chosen options!

👀 For more information see our handy-dandy crossplay FAQ


You heard that right, it’s the return of Skirmish! We’ve gone back to the drawing board and made some changes to freshen the mode up to reintroduce it as a limited-time game mode.

The Nitty Gritty

Skirmish pits two 14-player teams (10v10 on console) against each other as they fight to be the first to capture three objectives and blow up the enemy cache. Each team starts with one owned objective, one cache and 10 spawn waves, with the remaining neutral objective in the middle. 

Teams can gain additional spawn waves by capturing an objective, but beware! If your team’s cache is destroyed you will be unable to gain new waves.

Available classes:

Supported maps:

NEW WEAPONS: WCX, AR-7090, & F2000

Paging all gun nuts, Operation: Resurgence comes with THREE new weapons! The WCX and the F2000 for Security and the AR-7090 and the F2000 (Tactical variant) for Insurgents. 


The WCX for Security is designed for superior versatility and performance in the face of overwhelming odds. Utilizing its short-stroke gas piston system it delivers reliable control in any environment. 

AR-7090 (INS)

Bringing rugged durability to the uncertainty of combat engagements, the AR-7090 is fierce and reliable. It’s sure to strike fear in the hearts of your oppressors! 

F2000 (SEC) / F2000 Tactical (INS)

Whether you’re snuffing out resistance or fighting off invaders, the F2000 has you covered! Featuring a highly maneuverable compact design and a focus on accuracy, this is one intimidating piece of kit!

NEW FREE COSMETICS: Survivor & Revolt

Survivor Gear Set (SEC)

Embodying resilience and steely resolve, the Survivor Gear Set for Security is built to endure and crafted for those who refuse to back down. Suit up and survive the fight!

Contains seven different cosmetic gear pieces:

NEW FREE WEAPON SKINS: Pockets & National Pride

Pockets Weapon Skin Set (SEC)

Pockets of resistance getting you down? Mark your targets and grind them into the sand with the Pockets Weapon Skin Set for Security. 

The Pockets weapon skins can be equipped in the Loadout menu for the Security faction for the following weapons where available:

National Pride Weapon Skin Set (INS)

Put your pride on full display and celebrate with the National Pride Weapon Skin Set for Insurgents!

The National Pride weapon skins can be equipped in the Loadout menu for the Insurgent faction for the following weapons where available:

NEW PREMIUM DLC: Resurgence Set Bundle

Tactical Doc Gear Set (SEC)

Roll up your sleeves and snap those gloves, the Tactical Doc Gear Set for Security is on call for combat!

Contains six different cosmetic gear pieces:

Night Raven Weapon Skin Set (SEC)

 Swoop in for the kill with the Night Raven Weapon Skin Set for Security!

The Night Raven Weapon Skin can be equipped in the Loadout menu for the Security faction for the following weapons:

Desert Corpsman Gear Set (INS)

Fueled by defiance and driven by the fight for survival, The Desert Corpsman Gear Set for Insurgents is the perfect remedy for when you’re up against overwhelming forces.

Contains six different cosmetic gear pieces:

Duct Taped Weapon Skin Set (INS)

When you find yourself in a sticky situation, hold it together with the Duct Taped Weapon Skin Set for Insurgents! 

The Duct Taped Weapon Skin can be equipped in the Loadout menu for the Insurgent faction for the following weapons:


Level of Detail Optimizations

We’ve had reports from players that some lights, objects and textures would flicker in certain areas causing a disruption in the gameplay and immersion. We took a look at this and did a pass to optimize the LOD on the following maps:

Lighting Changes





Arms Race Changes

We’ve made some changes to the way the limited-time mode Arms Race functions. 


Art & Graphics



Level Design Improvements & Fixes





Thank you to everyone that made it all the way to the end of these release notes! (Here, have a cookie! 🍪)

To recap, Operation: Resurgence introduces:

In addition to the new content we’ve touched on large amount of issues that were submitted by the community through our support tickets as well as through community tests and our hope is that there is something in there for everyone. We’re also very happy that crossplay is here and all of you will finally get to experience Insurgency: Sandstorm with your friends regardless of their platform of choice! We hope that you enjoy all of the content in Update 1.17 Operation: Resurgence, and as always, see you in the field soldier!